Hypertelia adds value to the business by emphasizing the quality of its services.
MoreSince its inception Hypertelia focuses its practice in the analysis of each vertical market trend to design, implement and manage advanced technological solutions according to each need.
BackStarting with the analysis of the technological reality of our customers and its vertical market, we run a gap analysis understanding their initial scenario (as-is) and their desired one (to-be) to develop a plan which may include technological, operational and managerial aspects.
We design and implement the new environments performing functional, performance and stress tests to ensure its readiness when transitioning to production mode.
We develop all necessary operational and administrative procedures based on the needs and nature of the new environments, so allowing a great know-how transfer to our customers, then allowing their future technological independece.
We evaluate the optimal infrastructure for the operation of our customers environments, whether they are preexistent, as if it is based on new designs.
As a result of this evaluation and with the complete schematics of our customers ecosystem, we implement and develop the needed automation to minimize the effort needed to manage the new environments.
Then we develop the administrative and operational procedures as stated in the Enterprise Architecture section.
As good architects, we are agnostic about the brand or flavor of the technology used in our designs and implementations, selecting products using a "best of the breed" concept, both FOSS (free and open source) and proprietary software.
We optimize computing resources of the company, reducing space, power, cooling and maintenance costs, and ensuring efficient use of hardware and software resources.
On the other hand, we analyze the feasibility and create the necessary Cloud architectures, both using outsourced environments, developing a private cloud, or a hybrid Cloud.
We have extensive and proven experience on free and proprietary software and hardware virtualization technologies.
Based on the business reality, and criticity of each of the environments that support our customers operations, we analyze the feasibility of designing a BCP (Business Continuity Plan) and/or DR (Disaster Recovery) environment, involving not only the systems, but also key processes, people, and different situations that trigger that processes.
We coordinate the processes in the implementation of the plans made, as well as testing the full recovery of the operations in a secondary DataCenter.
We design the systems to have a global and multi-layered view of the operating environments of our customers, not only from a technological point of view (systems monitoring), but also from a the business (business activity monitoring) one.
After agreeing KPIs among different areas of the company, we implement the probes and interfaces necessary to obtain the necessary results.
We configure automated actions necessary to respond dynamically to the needs and business criticality, based on premised SLAs.
The various technological environments we use for the lower layer of our environments include various brands and models of physical compute systems, mass storage units, wired or wireless networking equipment, backup silos, and so on.
We provide tech support to operating environments based on OSs such as GNU/Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, Windows, and various flavors of * BSD.
Above them, to many of the typically deployed packages, such as storage systems, FOSS of closed source databases, application servers based on JEE, PHP, Python, among others, e-mail servers, DNS, or other core networking services systems, both single instance, load balanced or highly available.
Given the huge experience we have supporting this kind of environments, collaborating and working with free software projects that give rise to several of those products, the support schema with us contracted can be customized according to our customer needs, and with the service levels agreed with the business.
These levels can range from the nearest point to the back-end to micro-elements positioning ours as end to end services.
Our personnel develop their tasks remotely, or locally, integrating with the existing teams to provide a nearest point of view about business and technology.
BackIf you are ready to start a project with us, contact us!